California Mugshot Removal

Get your CA mugshot records removed from the internet!

California Arrests Mugshot Removal

Erase CA arrests mugshots online!
Can You Get a California Mugshot Record Removed? a number of other mugshot publication sites covering the West Coast area put people's mugshots on the internet.

If your California mugshot record appears on or another CA online mugshot publication we can help you get it removed in as little as 48 hours. Contact us today to learn more.
California Mugshot Sites
California Mugshot Removal Law

In California, a person can be arrested and booked for a crime without having their mugshot taken. The law requires that a booking photo be taken whenever someone is arrested for a felony, but not for a misdemeanor. This means that if you are ever arrested in California, there is a chance that your mugshot will not be taken.

If you have been arrested and your mugshot was not taken, you may still be required to submit to a photo line-up or other identification procedure. This is because the police may still need to identify you as the suspect in a crime. However, your booking photo will not be made public unless you are convicted of the crime.

If you have been arrested and your mugshot has been taken, it is important to know that there are ways to get your mugshot removed from the internet. This can be done by filing a petition with the court or by hiring a Mugshot Removal Service.


Senate Bill 1027:

California Arrests Mugshot Removal
  • Get rid of all CA mugshots online.
  • We delete your California mugshots in 48 hours.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
Free Arrest Removal Analysis for California Arrests
Complete the submission form below to talk to a removal specialist about removing your mugshot from the internet and erasing your arrest information from the web!