How to Get Your Busted Newspaper Mugshot Record off the Internet
Guaranteed BustedNewspaper .com Removal

What is Busted Newspaper?
Busted Newspaper is a arrest record reporting website that takes police reports and mugshot photos from public records, and repurposes these records to be publicly searchable at its site
How does the site make money?
The bulk Busted Newspaper’s revenue comes from advertisements on its website and on social media. Advertisements from Google Ads is visible on most pages of the website. When any of these ads is clicked, Busted Newspaper makes a small portion of the ad revenue from Google. Because Busted Newspaper is a huge website, with thousands of new records published daily, ad revenue from these clicks can add up to be a considerable income fast!
In addition to Google Ads, Busted Newspaper monetizes its content by sharing arrest information from its website to a handful of different, geographically focused Facebook Business Pages. Bused Newspaper’s Facebook pages are then monetized using Facebook’s advertising tools for publishers.
Want to remove your Busted Newspaper record from Google and the internet?
Complete the form below to learn about the most trusted options to remove private information from mugshot websites like BustedNewspaper com.